When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Patient Post Extraction

Have you ever been experiencing dental pain and been convinced that you may need a tooth extracted? You may be jumping the starting line. When you’re working with a dentist, you can believe that every necessary step will be taken to protect and maintain your natural teeth. Extraction of your tooth is an option of last resort in most cases, only suggested when no other treatment promises to save the tooth. In many situations, there are options available that will allow you to retain your natural tooth, which is the preferred result from a dentist’s perspective.

What Does It Mean To Have A Tooth Extracted?

While the concept of having a tooth pulled may seem simple on the surface, there is more than one type of dental extraction. The most common one that we’re all familiar with is the simple extraction. During this procedure local anesthetic is usually applied, and removal of the tooth is accomplished in only a scant few minutes in many cases. Lifters and a special pair of grips are used to remove the tooth and any remaining fragments from the socket.

The other, less common form, is surgical extraction. Surgical extraction becomes necessary when the tooth in question is lodged within the bone, or in an area that cannot be reached with traditional tools. This form of extraction is typically done while the patient is under full anesthesia, known as general anesthesia.

Why Your Dentist May Suggest An Extraction

So if a dentist’s first goal is to retain your natural teeth, what would make them suggest an extraction? The most common answer involves advanced decay or trauma that has done sufficient damage that the tooth cannot be saved.

  • Advanced Periodontal Disease – This disease gets deeply embedded beneath the gums, attacking the jawbone, roots, and periodontal ligaments. When these structures become impacted the tooth may loosen, and extraction may become an option.
  • Impacted Teeth – Impacted teeth, or those that cannot fully erupt, often require surgical extractions to address. This is commonly true in the case of wisdom teeth, but can happen with any tooth that isn’t properly aligned.
  • Overcrowding – In some cases the patients mouth will be too small for the number of teeth they have coming in. In these cases some teeth may have to be extracted before orthodontic realignment of their teeth can be done to produce a straight smile.

These are the most common reasons that Dr. Sam S. Sadati may suggest you have a dental extraction performed. Before these steps are taken, all alternatives that will retain your natural teeth will be considered.

If you have more inquiries about dental extractions or are ready to schedule an appointment with Wellington Florida’s preeminent dental team, call today. Our team at The Sadati Center For Aesthetic Dentistry is ready to accept your call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Sadati. Don’t waste time waiting to visit our clinic! Acting now can help you avoid extraction and preserve your teeth for years to come!