
Younger or Skinnier?

Would you rather lose weight or lose an imperfect smile? In a society as superficial as our own, this definitely seems like a tough choice. Both have their advantages and their limitations. Yet both can significantly impact how others view you. The American Academy of Co...

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What You Need To Know About Sunscreen

First and foremost, everyone needs to wear it. It doesn't matter if you’re fair-skinned or dark-skinned — the risk of skin cancer is there no matter what. Recently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported the incidence of melanoma i...

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UK Women Want To Dazzle Like The Duchess

Women want Kate's smile. Why? Because it’s natural. The Duchess of Cambridge has been all over the news lately. First it was the engagement, then the royal wedding, the pregnancy, and now the royal baby. Why is the world — namely the Brits — so ob...

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The Three Types of Smiles

Imagine being able to design what your smile looks like. It's an opportunity that comes with a cost, just like any cosmetic surgical procedure.   When choosing to undergo a multiple-tooth operation, a cosmetic dentist usually offers a smile consultation. Cosmetic...

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Teeth Whitening Diamond

Are those Crest White Stripes not getting the job done? Or that Rembrandt Deeply White 2 Hour Whitening Kit just not getting your teeth white enough? If you're blaming your teeth, it’s not their fault. Maybe you haven’t tried hard enough. Maybe you’r...

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Introducing…The Allergy Veil

Are you an allergy sufferer like this woman? You might want to read this! Got bad allergies? What if instead of using nasal sprays and taking pills you could use a veil that prevents pollen from sticking to your nose and eyes?   I don't mean a wedding veil or o...

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It’s Fashion Week Baby

You hear fashion week, you think women on runways, designers anxiously awaiting approval from scrutinizing fashion editors. And you probably think the main target is women. Usually, you'd be right. Well, for the most part, it still is. But they’re not the sole gender...

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Getting that Natural Smile

We're all about aesthetic dentistry and at the very core of this dental art—the very principle that everything is founded upon—is creating a beautiful smile. Now that’s the goal of our mission, but there’s an objective on top of that one, one that&r...

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How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

There's an old saying, “First impressions are lasting impressions. ” However, putting your best foot forward when you don’t love the way you look can be difficult. If you find that you are frequently trying to hide your smile or feel nervous talking to oth...

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6 Beauty Trends That Will Make You Blossom This Spring

Spring has sprung, and with it, a plethora of new beauty trends that will shake up a stale look and put an extra bounce in your step. Now that the sun is shining and warm weather is approaching, it's time to change up your look. Here are six popular beauty trends for this...

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