
Toddlers, Tiaras and Flippers

Beauty pageantsBeauty pageants have always been as much a competition of beauty as they are of confidence. Even the most stunning contestant can be undone by appearing nervous or making even the slightest mistake. When so much is placed on outer appearance, the slightest crack...

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The Scary Tie Between Periodontitis and Heart Attacks

Generally, when people think about the causes of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, some of the first things that come to mind include a bad diet, alcohol intake, and smoking. However, many individuals may not realize that poor oral hygiene should also be added to...

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Takin’ it to the Streets: Roadside Dentists

These are very confusing days when it comes to healthcare. In some states like California, even if you have insurance it's a complete shot in the dark if its accepted from one practice to the next. What does one do in a situation like this? Or worse, when you’re off...

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Live to 150!

Scientists have targeted a compound found in red wine called ‘resveratrol' as the key to delay the aging process—and to possibly lengthen the human life up to 150 years.Resveratrol works by boosting a protein called SIRT1.  It’s essentially an...

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Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Sacrificing Your Smile

Too much sugar can be the enemy of good oral health. When you eat sugary foods like candy and soda, the bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar and convert it to acids. These acids build plaque and tartar that attack your enamel, thus beginning the tooth decay p...

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Reducing Stress with Food

Stress, worry, anxiety. They're all terrible in their own ways. Their cause is important, but what’s even more important is how we deal with them. Popular methods surround us everyday: yoga, jogging, meditation, acupuncture, supplements, medication, etc. Another popu...

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Odd Signs That You Are Sick

Sometimes it's obvious that you’re sick. Runny nose, sore throat, headache, fever. Other times, though, there are no signs. Instead, disease is invisible, somehow bubbling below the surface without breaking through to the outside world. But then, there are also times...

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Nuts More Critical Than Milk For Bone Growth

Most of us grew up with our grandparents nagging us about drinking milk. Heck, we used to drink a glass of milk with every meal — including dinner.  The idea was ingrained in our heads:  milk makes for strong bones.  It's calcium-rich, and calciu...

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It’s Not Their Fault! Why Your Spouse Has Stinky Morning Breath

Few simple pleasures in life compare to waking up next to the person you love. Starting a new day next to someone with whom you intend to grow old is sheer happiness.Until you smell their morning breath.But don't blame your loved one. The stinky breath you smell every m...

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How to Age-Proof Your Smile

It's not difficult to get an ageless smile, but you have to be willing to go the extra mile in oral care. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are crucial steps to achieve a whiter, healthier smile. For some, professional teeth-whitening is also a useful so...

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