Odd Signs That You Are Sick
Sometimes it's obvious that you’re sick. Runny nose, sore throat, headache, fever. Other times, though, there are no signs. Instead, disease is invisible, somehow bubbling below the surface without breaking through to the outside world. But then, there are also times...
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Nuts More Critical Than Milk For Bone Growth
Most of us grew up with our grandparents nagging us about drinking milk. Heck, we used to drink a glass of milk with every meal — including dinner. The idea was ingrained in our heads: milk makes for strong bones. It's calcium-rich, and calciu...
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Monsters of the Mind
We often associate colors with certain states of mind or emotion. Anger is red. Sadness is dark blue to black. Joy or happiness is generally yellow. But what color or forms would other mental states take on? States like mental illness.For a nation rife with people suffering fro...
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It’s Not Their Fault! Why Your Spouse Has Stinky Morning Breath
Few simple pleasures in life compare to waking up next to the person you love. Starting a new day next to someone with whom you intend to grow old is sheer happiness.Until you smell their morning breath.But don't blame your loved one. The stinky breath you smell every m...
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How to Age-Proof Your Smile
It's not difficult to get an ageless smile, but you have to be willing to go the extra mile in oral care. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are crucial steps to achieve a whiter, healthier smile. For some, professional teeth-whitening is also a useful so...
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Headache? Try Yoga
It's winter time. That means getting sick, the common cold. It means fevers, sore throats, and if you’re truly (un)blessed, the flu. And, of course, there’s the headache, one of the most common, seemingly ubiquitous symptoms of being sick. Sure you can run to t...
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Conquering Jet Lag
It's truly amazing how much of our behavior is beyond our control. How much of it is dictated by pure chemistry in our bodies. Equally amazing is that the fact that we can find the chemicals responsible for these bodily actions.Recently, scientists at Kobe University have...
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An E-Cigarette with Your Meal?
Regular cigarettes have long disappeared from inside restaurants. The days of having coffee and cigarettes or a smoke at the bar while staring over a scotch are memories of the past. With the rise of the e-cigarette, however, the issue of smoking at eating establishments has rea...
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10 Weird Things Your Teeth Can Tell You About Your Health
The next time you make a trip to the dentist's office, consider this - your teeth can signify more about you than just poor brushing or flossing habits. Dental issues can be indicative of a wide array of health problems, ranging from minor issues to serious diseases...
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5 teeth tips to brighten your summer
Summer is a time for increased activity and fun in the sun, often combined with a sweet treat or a cold drink. You may not give your summer teeth much thought, but this season can have an impact on your dental health.The following are five aspects of summer that can affect your...
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