
Before turning off the light, treat your mouth right with these 5 dental tips

Everyone knows that basic dental hygiene includes brushing your teeth and flossing before bed every night. In fact, most dental professionals recommend you floss and brush twice a day. But is that all that's really needed to ensure a healthy set of teeth? Proper dental ca...

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The 7 Biggest Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Issues with tooth sensitivity affect millions of people across the nation. Some may experience sharp pains in one or two particular teeth, while others may feel a constant discomfort spread throughout their mouth. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel in a tooth is wor...

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4 Ways You’re Actually Hurting Your Bright Smile

Everybody wants a great smile, but it can be hard work. If you are trying to improve your oral health and brighten up your smile, there are a number of ways you might be setting yourself back. Some are obvious, while others might surprise you. Breaking these four common habits...

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What You Need To Know About Sunscreen

First and foremost, everyone needs to wear it. It doesn't matter if you’re fair-skinned or dark-skinned — the risk of skin cancer is there no matter what. Recently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported the incidence of melanoma i...

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Introducing…The Allergy Veil

Are you an allergy sufferer like this woman? You might want to read this! Got bad allergies? What if instead of using nasal sprays and taking pills you could use a veil that prevents pollen from sticking to your nose and eyes?   I don't mean a wedding veil or o...

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6 Beauty Trends That Will Make You Blossom This Spring

Spring has sprung, and with it, a plethora of new beauty trends that will shake up a stale look and put an extra bounce in your step. Now that the sun is shining and warm weather is approaching, it's time to change up your look. Here are six popular beauty trends for this...

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Dental Health and Your Diet

Your body works hard to convert the foods you eat into energy. You may not think twice about what you are eating - especially when it comes to grabbing an afternoon snack or sipping on a vanilla latte on your commute. But the food you put in your mouth affects more than j...

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