
Should I Get my Teeth Whitened Before Dental Bonding

Should I Get my Teeth Whitened Before Dental Bonding?

When you are considering a smile makeover, one of the first things you need to decide is what treatment to use. Two common cosmetic dental treatments used for smile makeovers are teeth whitening and cosmetic bonding. Although these procedures are often performed individually, they can also be performed in coordination to offer more dramatic results.

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What is the Best Way to Floss

What is the Best Way to Floss?

Did you know that the best way to floss is to floss correctly? Flossing is an essential component of oral health, but it might be tough to know how to do it correctly. In this blog post, we will describe the best way to floss your teeth. First, we will explain the importance of flossing

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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Dental sedation has become a popular option for people who are fearful of the dentist. It can help to calm patients and make their dental visit more comfortable. But is sedation dentistry safe? In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of dental sedation and how they are administered. We will also talk

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How Are prosthetic teeth made

How Are Prosthetic Teeth Made?

If you’re missing a tooth, you may be considering getting a prosthetic tooth. Prosthetic teeth come in many different shapes and sizes, and can be made from a variety of materials. In this blog post, we will describe the steps involved in making a prosthetic tooth, from taking impressions to fitting the tooth in your

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Dental Problems That Can Be prevented by wearing a mouthguard

Dental Problems That Can Be Prevented by Wearing a Mouthguard

Did you know that April is National Facial Protection Month? This is a time to raise awareness about the importance of wearing mouthguards. A mouthguard is a piece of plastic that fits over your teeth and helps protect them from injuries. Wearing a mouthguard can prevent many dental problems, including tooth loss, chipped teeth, fractures,

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5 Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

5 Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

This blog is in honor of Oral Cancer Awareness Month. This month is a time when we focus on educating people about the dangers of oral cancer and how to prevent it. Oral cancer is a type of cancer that affects various structures in the mouth and and throat. In this blog post, we will

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Root Canals vs. Tooth Extractions

Root Canals vs. Tooth Extractions: Which is Best?

When it comes to severe tooth decay, there are two main treatment options: root canal treatment or tooth extractions. Both treatments have their pros and cons, and it can be difficult to decide which option is best for you. In this blog post, we will compare root canal treatment and tooth extractions in detail. We

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7 Myths About Your Teeth

7 Myths About Your Teeth

In order to have healthy teeth, it is important to know the truth about them. Unfortunately, there are many myths out there that can lead people astray when it comes to taking care of their pearly whites. In this blog post, we will debunk seven of the most common myths about teeth. Stay informed and

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Are You a Bruxer

Are You a Bruxer?

Do you grind your teeth at night? If so, you may have bruxism. Bruxism is a condition that causes people to grind their teeth and clench their jaw involuntarily. It can lead to a number of problems, including worn enamel, damaged teeth, tooth sensitivity, pain, and sleep problems. Luckily, there is treatment available for bruxism.

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Filling You in on Fillings

Filling You in on Fillings

It’s no secret that dental fillings are an important part of oral care. They are also one of the most commonly performed dental procedures. But what do you really know about them? In this blog post, we will be filling you in all about dental fillings. First, we will discuss the different types of fillings

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sinus pressure or toothache

Sinus Pressure or Toothache?

Sinus pressure is a common problem that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. But did you know that sinus pressure can also cause toothaches? Many people don’t realize this. In this blog post, we will discuss the link between sinus pressure and toothaches, and how to tell the difference between sinus pressure and

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Types of Dental Specialties

Types of Dental Specialties

Did you know there are many different types of dental specialists? Dental specialists are dentists who have completed an additional two to three years of training in a specific area of dentistry. There are many different types of dental specialists, each with their own unique set of skills and knowledge. In some cases, your dentist

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Alcohol & Your Oral Health

Alcohol and Your Oral Health: What You Need to Know

Most people know that alcohol can have negative effects on the body, but many don’t realize how it can also affect oral health. In this blog post, we will discuss how alcohol can cause cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems. We will also provide tips for reducing the risks of these problems. So if

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What is a gumline cavity (2)

What is a Gumline Cavity?

If you’re like most people, you probably think of cavities as those little holes that form in your teeth. But what about cavities that form along the gum line? These are known as gum line cavities, and they can be a real problem for your oral health. In this blog post, we will discuss what

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How to Prevent Dental Implant Failure

How to Prevent Implant Failure

Dental implants are the closest to natural teeth as you can get. Just like natural teeth, however, dental implants are not invincible. The success of dental implants is dependent on a number of factors, from the dentist who places them to the patient’s compliance with post-operative guidelines. This article will discuss how to prevent implant

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Start 2022 off with a smile

Start 2022 Off with a Smile

It’s the new year and we’re looking forward to giving our teeth a fresh start. We’ve got some of the best cosmetic dental treatments for you! Dental implants, veneers, and composite fillings are just a few ways that we can help get your smile on track in 2022. It’s important to take care of your

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A Comprehensive Guide to Smile Makeovers

A Comprehensive Guide to Smile Makeovers

I’m sure you’ve seen people smile and thought, “Wow! That person has a beautiful smile!” They have the perfect teeth, they’re not missing any of them, and their gum line is flawless. While some people are lucky enough to be born with perfect smiles, cosmetic dentists can help anyone get a flawless smile. If you

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Do receding gums grow back

Do Receding Gums Grow Back?

Gum recession is a common problem in adults. Besides the fact that gum recession makes your teeth look abnormally long, it can also negatively impact your oral health. Chances are, you are reading this blog post because you have receding gums, or know someone who does. We’ll discuss what causes gum recession in the first

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7 Reasons for Tooth Pain in the Morning

7 Reasons for Tooth Pain in the Morning

Morning is a time to wake up and start your day, but what if you woke up with tooth pain? It’s never a good feeling waking up with tooth pain in the morning. We all know that tooth pain is no joke. It can range from a little discomfort to an unbearable ache and everything

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3 Things to Know about root canals

3 Things to Know About a Root Canal

It can be scary to have a root canal, but it is an important procedure that prevents tooth loss. Your dentist may recommend a root canal if you have a badly decayed or broken tooth, an abscessed tooth or an injury that has damaged the tooth’s pulp (layer under the dentin). To make the root

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Reasons to wear a mouthguard

Reasons to Wear a Mouthguard

When you think of an oral appliance, what comes to mind? Is it a mouthguard for athletes or a nightguard that can help with snoring? The truth is that there are many types of mouthguards available. Sports mouthguards and nightguards are the most common ones, but appliances for sleep apnea and snoring also exist. Today’s

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Improve Your Gum Health with Probiotics2

Improve Your Gum Health with Probiotics

Gum disease is one of the most common problems seen by dentists. If you are suffering from this problem, it can be very difficult to manage your oral health. Fortunately, there are lots of different treatments available to help manage gum disease. One treatment option that has been gaining popularity lately is probiotics. These supplements

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Dementia and Tooth Loss

Dementia and Tooth Loss: Is There a Connection?

Losing teeth is no fun. It can leave you feeling self-conscious and less confident in your appearance, and it can even make eating difficult. But did you know that tooth loss might also increase your risk of dementia? This blog post will explore the connection between missing teeth and dementia, as well as why replacing

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Time to Brush Up on Teeth Cleanings

Time to ‘Brush’ Up on Dental Cleanings

National Dental Hygiene Month is here, and that means it’s time to brush up on teeth cleanings! Healthy teeth and gums are important for maintaining a healthy body. Yet, many people neglect their teeth because they do not understand the importance of dental cleanings. This blog post is designed to help educate you on what

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3 Ways to straighten your teeth

3 Ways to Straighten Your Teeth

It is a well known fact that many people are unhappy with their smiles, but not everyone knows that there are three ways to straighten teeth. There is the option of getting veneers which will cover your front teeth and can be used in conjunction with braces, there is also the option of getting Invisalign

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What is an impaction

What is an Impaction?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in, and they can be quite troublesome. They have a tendency to get impacted – meaning they don’t erupt through the gums, but rather grow sideways or straight up into the jawbone. When this happens, it’s important to seek proper dental treatment right away so

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5 Reasons Why You Need a dental exams

5 Reasons You Need a Dental Checkup

According to the American Dental Association, it is recommended to visit your dentist twice a year for a dental checkup and cleaning. At first, this may seem like a lot, especially since most people only visit their doctor once a year for their annual physical. Many people also think that as long as their teeth

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