
Teeth before and after Invisalign

Invisalign is an orthodontic appliance system used to inconspicuously treat crooked and crowded teeth in adults and teens. This modern take on braces features a system of clear aligner trays that are worn at all times with the exception of during meals and when brushing or flossing. The trays are custom fitted to the teeth, making them virtually unnoticeable when laughing, talking and eating with other people. Patients receive a sequence of trays, each of which is slightly different than the one before. The aligners provide a slight resistance to the teeth, forcing them to move into alignment over time. With Invisalign, adults and teens can achieve the smiles they’ve always wanted without feeling self-conscious about the mode of treatment.

Did you know…

Wearing Invisalign is in no way as restrictive as traditional braces? Many adults opt for this system not only because it is discreet, but also because there is no need to change your diet to avoid foods that could damage braces. This is because the Invisalign system is free of braces and brackets, instead opting for a removable tray that can be taken out prior to meals. Also, Invisalign fits well into busy adult schedules, as there is no need to attend frequent visits for wire tightening. Most patients simply change to a new aligner tray every couple of weeks.

Symptoms Addressed by Invisalign

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Misaligned bite (overbite, underbite, crossbite)
  • General discomfort or dissatisfaction with smile appearance

Why Choose Invisalign?

Opting for Invisalign aligners presents numerous benefits:

  • Aesthetically pleasing: Virtually invisible aligners.
  • Comfort: Custom-made to fit your teeth.
  • Convenience: Removable for eating and cleaning.
  • Efficiency: Often quicker than traditional braces.

Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

  • Assessment: Dr. Sadati will examine your teeth and discuss your goals.

Custom Treatment Plan

  • Digital Scan: A 3D image of your teeth is created.
  • Preview: You’ll see a preview of your teeth’s post-treatment alignment.

Receiving Your Aligners

  • Custom-Fit: Aligners tailored specifically for your teeth.
  • Instructions: Detailed guidance on wear and care.

Regular Check-ups

  • Progress Monitoring: Ensuring your treatment is on track.
  • Adjustments: New aligners as your teeth gradually shift.

Final Stages

  • Last Aligners: Worn until teeth reach desired position.
  • Retention: Post-treatment retainers to maintain your new smile.


While Invisalign corrects existing alignment issues, maintaining your new smile is crucial:

  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Good oral hygiene practices
  • Wearing retainers as prescribed


Patients who complete the Invisalign treatment often experience:

  • Improved dental health
  • Enhanced smile aesthetics
  • Increased confidence

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for Invisalign?

If you have crooked or crowded teeth that are embarrassing to you or otherwise preventing you from achieving optimal oral health, Invisalign could be the solution for you. Visit your Invisalign dentist for a complete consultation to find out if you could benefit from clear orthodontics.

What should I expect during my Invisalign treatment?

You will wear your aligners nearly all of the time, with the exception of about two hours per day. Invisalign treatments are different for everyone, but most patients can achieve their ideal smiles within one to two years. During that time, you can expect to make occasional dental visits to monitor your progress.

Will I need any post-treatment care?

Following your treatment, you will no longer need to wear Invisalign trays. However, you will need to wear a retainer each day to help protect your new smile. It is also important to continue visiting your dentist for routine check-ups and twice-yearly cleaning.

How long does the treatment take?

The duration varies, but typically ranges from 12 to 18 months.

Is Invisalign painful?

Most patients experience minimal discomfort, especially compared to traditional braces.

Can I eat normally with Invisalign?

Yes, the aligners are removable for eating and cleaning.

Begin Your Smile Transformation Today

At The Sadati Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, we believe in providing personalized, innovative cosmetic dental solutions. Invisalign represents our commitment to modern, effective treatments. Ready to start your journey towards a perfect smile? Call us at 888-873-3558 to schedule your consultation today.